Royal Dental Supply, your one stop shop dental supplies, Equipments and product from Miami dental. Also Most Discounted Dental Supplies are available . Call now and Shop for all your dental supplies!!! Please Feel Free to contact us for more information. We generally ship all orders same day by UPS & receive tracking number by E-mail.

If you don't find a product, just give us a call.

Royal Dental Supply

116 NE 183rd Terrace Miami, FL 33179

Toll: 1-800-289-8180

Tell: 305-651-6677

Fax: 305-651-4466


G-Bond - GC America 5ml Bottle ***Special 1-2 @ $99.99 3-Up @ $89.99***

G-Bond  - GC America 5ml Bottle
G-Bond - GC America 5ml Bottle
Item# GBON-B
Regular price: $159.99
Sale price: $129.99

Product Description

G-Bond one Component Self-Etching Light Cured Adhesive-GC America

ust brush G-BOND onto the tooth’s bonding surface, wait 5 to 10 seconds, then air thin with high pressure syringe air and light-cure for 10 seconds. For almost any application, in as little as 20-30 seconds and you’re good to go.

No Guesswork – Simple Technique

New G-BOND takes the guesswork out of bonding. It’s not technique sensitive like other “all in one” bonding systems so you don’t need to worry about “how dry” or “how wet” or how “over-etched” or how “under-etched” the tooth surface is. It’s not cumbersome like two and three component systems. There’s no “lollipop” or “bottle-squeezing” delivery systems or “impregnated” brushes to work with. G-BOND gives you clinically successful results time after time. It’s a simple technique: one coat, air thin and light-cure.

No Post-Op Sensitivity

One component, self-etching G-BOND virtually eliminates post operative sensitivity because the dentin tubules are never exposed. G-BOND’s 5% filler further seals the tubules and decreases pulpal sensitivity. There are fewer voids between the thin adhesive layer and the dentin which minimizes microleakage and prevents microbial invasion.

Strong, Reliable, Consistent Bond

Dry, moist or wet, dentin or enamel, G-BOND produces a strong, reliable, consistent bond.

4-MET monomer provides consistent bond strength to dentin Phosphoric Acid Ester Monomer provides consistent bond strength to enamel G-BOND’s “Nano Interaction Zone” Technology, an advanced formulation of Phosphoric Acid Ester Monomer, 4-MET Monomer, nanofilled particles, and acetone and water solvent, decalcifies the tooth, provides a wetting property, diffuses monomer into the tooth structure, then polymerizes and hardens when light-cured and creates an ionic bond with the apatite in the tooth structure.

Royal Dental Supply, your one stop shop dental supplies, Equipments and product from Miami dental. Also Most Discounted Dental Supplies are available . Call now and Shop for all your dental supplies!!! Please Feel Free to contact us for more information. We generally ship all orders same day by UPS & receive tracking number by E-mail.

If you don't find a product, just give us a call.

Royal Dental Supply

116 NE 183rd Terrace Miami, FL 33179

Toll: 1-800-289-8180

Tell: 305-651-6677

Fax: 305-651-4466
